Thursday, November 25, 2010

Enjoying life in Snowflake

It was a small Thanksgiving ( just the 2 of us) but it was fun and relaxing too. First, we woke up to 2 inches of snow. The first snowfall of the season. Then I made all the food and it really tasted good! Bart said it was his best Thanksgiving meal ever!
We are still here in Snowflake, Az. The years keep flying by and we are in our 3rd year in Snowflake and we are enjoying fixing up our property and learning to be the best teachers we can be. Teaching has it's challenges but the rewards outweigh the hard parts. I love being with the students each day and helping them learn to read, write, do math and just be good kids! I am happy I have the chance to be a teacher because I know it is an important calling. I will post some more pictures and a video of a glimpse into our life in Snowflake. I will try to attach the video that shows our property. We want it to be a place that family members can come if they need to get away. It will be a place of refuge for our loved ones. Life is good and I am learning and growing.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Nancy. My husband, daughter and I drove up to an Inn in Maine for the holiday, woke every morning to views of the waves crashing on the rocky shores, had fires in the fireplace each night, ate luscious meals and did lots of bargain shoppping at the outlets in Kittery. Drove home today and are all set to relax and enjoy the night before Morgan heads back to college in the morning.
    I thought I'd mention I have a blog also ... check it out at
